Showing 1–12 of 27 results


high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier


Finally, audio conversion in Italian is back. The renewed Bastl Ciao!! delivers Eurorack to line level conversion in higher quality.


The mki x Output Mixer is essentially a panning mixer – it takes two mono inputs with adjustable gain and pans them left or right to the stereo output, and an integrated amplifier boosts the signal for use for headphones.


The Expert Sleepers ES-10 Audio/CV interface — The ADAT highway to your computer and back!


The Listen IO is a simple module which gets signals in and out of a Eurorack system by converting to and from normal modular levels.


Everything has an end, including your patch! The Output Bus arose from the collaboration of Befaco and Divkid and is your final summing hub for all signals.


The Output module is a balanced stereo master interface for modular systems.


Outs enables your modular system to output both professional and prosumer compliant audio, and send it to external amplifiers, mixers, recording devices, or DAW interfaces.


Receive 2 provides two line inputs with level controls for modular systems. Besides individual outputs, there is also a mix socket.


Sewastopol is a multifunction eurorack module designed for easy interfacing of external gear to your modular environment.