The Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) from 4ms is a dual envelope generator whose envelope lengths are set by incoming clocks or “pings”.
Tap tempo button or incoming clock sets the ping time
Envelope time is a multiple or division of the ping time (from /8 to x8) set by Ping Div/Mult knob and CV
Curve knob and CV control the shape of the output envelope. Various combinations of exponential, linear, logarithmic, and interpolated curves are available for the rise and fall portions. Total envelope time is maintained throughout any curve selection.
Skew knob and CV control the ratio between rise and fall times without changing total envelope time
Scale knob is an attenuating inverter for main envelope output (Maximum 0V to +10V non-inverted, and Minimum -10V to 0V inverted).
Bi-polar button centers main envelope output around 0V (-5V to +5V output)
“+5V ENV” jack is a non-scaling output that always produces a 0V to +5V envelope, regardless of Scale and Bi-polar settings
“OR” jack outputs an analog OR of the two scaled envelope curves. This outputs the highest value from either envelope at any given moment, taking into account the Scale and Bi-polar controls.
Cycle button for each channel forces envelope to self-cycle in sync with the ping clock (LFO mode). Button lights up when in cycle mode.
“T” jack toggles the state of both channels’ Cycle button when a gate is applied
“QNT” jack for each channel triggers an envelope to start at the next quantized beat, with respect to the divided/multiplied ping clock. Holding a gate high on this jack causes the envelope to repeat.
“Async” jack for each channel causes an envelope to output immediately (asynchronously).
Size : 20HP
Deep : 40mm
Power consumption :
A jumper selects using +5V from the power supply, or generating +5V on-board from the +12V rail.
+12V rail:
60mA max with jumper selecting external 5V
105mA max with jumper selecting internal 5V.
+5V rail:
40mA max with jumper selecting external 5V
not used (0mA) with jumper selecting internal 5V.
-12V rail:
35mA max