Now available for pre-purchase
The Spectral Multiband Resonator is an innovative resonant filter which can process audio like a classic filter bank, ring like a marimba when plucked/struck, vocode, re-mix tracks, harmonize, output spectral data, quantize audio to scales, and much more… A ring of colored lights displays the frequency of each filter, as well as the levels and current scale selection(s).
At a glance, the SMR works like a normal six-band graphic EQ: six frequency band-pass filters are mixed together using sliders. Resonance/Q is variable, which changes the “ringy-ness” or width of the bands.
The frequency of each channel is treated like a note in a scale, and the six bands form a chord. Spin the Rotate knob and the “notes” circle around the scale, rotating back to the bottom once they’ve reached the top. Adjust Spread and the distance (interval) between each note changes. Triggers for up/down motion, CV inputs for sequencing and scale selection allow for flexible control with external modules. Morph, which automatically cross-fades between frequencies, together with variable Slew allows rhythmic clocks drive the SMR as a variable-speed evolving resonant filter.
At maximum Resonance/Q, the SMR can be struck like a gong or marimba by inputting clocks or triggers. The frequency of each channel is quantized to a scale: beautiful chords, ethereal tones and eerie ambiance flows easily. With lower resonance, the SMR can pull out particular frequency bands, and sweep these across the spectrum.
Two 1V/octave Frequency jacks allow for tracking even and/or odd bands and creating floating melodies over evolving chord bases, or complex percussive membrane sounds.
26HP Eurorack module
module depth : 24mm
Power consumption:
+12V rail: 86mA maximum (110mA max when jumper set to +12V)
-12V rail: 28mA maximum
+5V rail: 25mA maximum (0mA [not used] when jumper set to +12V)