The ALYSEUM SELECTOR module is a fully bi-directional Sequential Switcher 8 ↔ 1, also called Demultiplexer 8 → 1 or Multiplexer 1 → 8.
Up to 8 SELECTOR modules can be chained to create a bigger Selector up to 64 ↔ 1!
Only one Switcher is active at a time.
SELECTOR module can be controlled in 8 different Modes:
1. Standalone by push buttons.
2. Slave of the MATRIX modules linked to its Preset & Bank management.
3. CV input with bipolar offset adjustment.
4. MIDI Note or MIDI CC input.
5. Sequential switcher with MIDI CLK input.
6. Sequential Switcher with CLK input and her programmable steps number.
7. Sequential Switcher with CLK + RST inputs.
8. CV & CLK Inputs, like a S&H NEW !
Two features increase the power of the different modes and their usability:
1. An “Arpeggiator-like” function is available for the Modes 5, 6 & 7
and is including 4 patterns.
2. A “Steps Window” function is available for the Modes 3 until 8, and allows you
to freely choose a range of steps in number and location.
● Solid state Switcher type DG408
○ Wide signal range: from +/- 10,5 Volts
○ Very low resistance switch of 40Ω
○ Fully bidirectionnal.
● Simple firmware upgrades by MIDI port.
● Protection against reverse polarity.
● Delivery with a short Jack/Jack MIDI cable.
● Eurorack 8 HP wide.