Wheel Electronic (abbreviation: “WE” in the following) is an universal electronics DIY Midi kit designed to connect modulation or pitch wheels. But it can be used also for joy sticks, single or multiple foot controllers (analog or on/off), breath controllers or even normal potentiometers. In addition a connector for a sustain foot switch is available.
Up to 4 continuously variable “analog” elements and a “digital” switching element (e.g. a sustain foot switch) can be connected.
Application examples:
- pitch bender
- wheels
- joy sticks
- breath controllers (e.g. Yamaha BC-1/2/3, additional resistor required, please refer to the user’s manual)
- foot controllers (continuos)
- foot switches (on/off), momentary or toggle
- rotary potentiometers
- slider/fader potentiometers
Different elements can be combined simultaneously. Here are some examples:
- pitch bender, modulation wheel, volume control (rotary or slider potentiometer), breath controller and sustain foot switch
- pitch bender, three modulation wheels (e.g. modulation, volume, after touch) and sustain foot switch
- pitch bender, two modulation wheels (e.g. modulation and after touch), one rotary or slider potentiometer (volume) and sustain foot switch
- pitch bender, modulation wheel and joy stick
- two joy sticks
- four foot controllers for volume control of four Midi channels
- dual or tripe foot controller (on/off or analog) and rotary or slider potentiometer
- two modulation wheels or switches to control the rotary speakers of the organ software B4 (von Native Instruments), two rotary or slider potentiometers for volume and expression