With the Memory Joystick, you can control your modular system like an old video game console. Movements of the stick are recordable. Eight positions can be stored and recalled via buttons. Alternatively, it is possible to jump from one to the next value. The feel then is similar to a step sequencer. – You can even vary the playback behaviour.
The Memory Joystick can generate unipolar or bipolar voltages in the range of 2 V, 5 V or 10 V.
- supersmooth and small joystick
- hold functionality
- records (replayable) cv loops in the background
- sequential or manual adressing of 8 memory slots
- 9 different playback patterns for those slots
- trigger out
- trigger in (for clock) and cv in (for cv adressing of slots
- selectable range from 2 to 10 volts
- unipolar / bipolar switch
- very skiff friendly