Frap Tools 411 is DC-coupled, linear Quad-VCA. A mega-useful utility for modulating modulations.
The 411 is a quad VCA module that integrates beautifully into Frap Tools’ utility series. The VCAs are color-coded for easy identification and cascaded, meaning the input signal of one VCA is passed down to the VCAs below it. Each channel naturally has its own CV input (also cascaded) and audio output. As these are linear and DC coupled, they are suitable for CVs and the very essential application of “modulating your modulations” without skewing them.
The -6dB switches allow you to halve the amplitude of a signal while it is still passed on with full level via the normalisations. The two summing outputs either provide all signals or just the unpatched outputs. A nice feature is that the VCAs remain open when there’s no CV input.
411 is a practical module that, despite its simple layout, offers numerous applications. You can control the amplitude of four signals, mix four signals, multiply one signal, and much more.
- Quad VCA
- DC-coupled and linear
- -6dB switch to halve the amplitude
- Cascading audio and CV inputs
- Summing outputs
- VCAs are open, when no CV is applied
HE: | 3 |
TE: | 6 |