Compact 8-Bit 4-Osc Noise Synthesizer with 8-bit Filter and sequencer. Inspired by the sound of early video games, it runs on a Micro-Controller similar to ones used in old fridges.
This lightweight device is capable of producing sounds that go way beyond the usual “Kernkraft 400 vs. video games”-style. Each of the four oscillators offers tunable waveforms and an LFO that will handle the modulation duties of two Oscillator parameters: Tone (Pitch) and Volume. The outcome ranges from spooky noise-drones to glitched out mayhem of rhythmic fragments. The modulated oscillator signal then enter a three-way-summing stage of mixing algorithms that contains 1536 variations of processing which features FM, Ring Modulation, Bitwise Logical Operations and many more. An 8-bit resonant LP-Filter with a specific LoFi sound injects a heavy dose of idiosyncrasy to this characterful device. The new Soma-device also has a built-in sequencer for recording simple 4/4-Loops.
Using a unique approach in terms of efficient programming, the board houses a very simple, “vintage” Micro-Controller similar to the ones that were used in old fridges. This makes RoAT less power hungry and will let it run for up to 130 hours on it’s 4*AAA batteries.
The small device will seamlessly integrate into your setup via the Sync-In-Jack but can also send a Clock-Out. That way it makes contact to other small devices like the Korg Volca-range or the Pocket Operator-series by Teenage Engineering.