The Zero Point Oscillator is not your typical analog VCO or even your standard Thru-Zero FM VCO for that matter.
The core of the ZPO was developed through countless hours of experimentation involving Through-Zero modulation techniques.
Through-Zero FM is a form of frequency modulation that produces much deeper and useful FM tones than a typical VCO can accomplish.
New techniques have been discovered that not only improve the performance of TZFM, but also grant additional benefits as will be explained.
Discrete Triangle Core
8 Direct Waveform Output, including:
Octave Up Saw (Upsaw)
Hybrid Saw/Ramp/Sub (RipSaw)
Even Harmonic (Even)
Sub Harmonic (SUB) with two Octave Divisions
3 types of PWM:
LFO Mode
Lock Tune:
Tunable Pitch Control lockout for easy interfacing with sequencers and hardware
Unique Sync circuit, works with any waveform
3 voltage controlled waves shaping outputs
Linear, Exponential or simultaneous Lin/Exp Through Zero FM
TZFM can be switched off for typical FM effects
Ring Modulation
Integrated MOSFET Soft Start to protect your modules and PSU
Ultra High Quality Design Incorporating Discrete Components and Burr-Brown Op Amps Throughout.