Surrender yourselves to the hypnotic, borderline hysterical sway of the CHARCOT CIRCLES (named for Jean-Martin Charcot* “founder of modern neurology”) to awaken your mind and muse. Only the C. C. possesses the organic power and intelligence to identify specific sites in the brain responsible for detailed, sequential, musical functions. Was it not Doc. Jean-Martin who said: “In the last analysis, we see only what we are ready to see, what we have been taught to see” Modes and usage;
Press Shift to select mode (large text)
Pad 1. NOTES (steps): Tap on or off to arm notes. 1/8 notes are on the outside circle, 1/16 notes inner. Press and hold a step, turn the encoder to change the pitch. Use to set track length by pressing and holding the last note/step desired; a length of 1 is shortest, 16 is longest. Press any of the 16 touch pads (steps) to set reset point—the last step in a sequence; defaults to the 16th step (for RND TRK and CLEAR see below)
Pad 2. VEL (Velocity): Sets velocity value. Press and hold a step, turn the encoder to change the amount
Pad 3. LENGTH: Sets length of individual step—think of it as sustain. Press and hold a step, turn the encoder to increase the length to up to 16th bars
Pad 4. RETRIG (Retrigger): Sets the amount of times the step will be repeated. Press and hold a step, turn the encoder to set the number of repeats
Pad 5. TOUCH: Pressure sensitive “Key” mode—at this point a stepping Theremin
Pad 6. KEY: Allows individual control of notes which sustain while pressed (let’s you “walk through” your sequence without tempo); also sets note range/reset point for track 1—select one of the 16 pads for the start note, and another for the end. Very liberating feature
Pad 7. GLOBAL: The first four default parameters set the direction or lack therof for the sequence:
> Forward direction
< Backward direction
<> Pendulum
RND (Random) Selects a designless firing of notes.
To access and change values for Global sub functions TUNE, SCALE, LEGATO, GLIDE, CHAN, SYNC, press and hold desired step, and turn encoder
TUNE: Tunes the CV output; hold the pad and turn the encoder to adjust the overall tuning
SCALE: Sets one of sixteen scales; default is chromatic
LEGATO: Sets the legato; only legato notes will glide
GLIDE: On/off & speed. Hold the pad and turn the encoder to adjust the glide time
CHAN (Channel): Sets the base MIDI channel—you only can change the base midi channel; other tracks add that base channel # to their track number like so: if Base MIDI CH is 1, TK 1 -> CH1, TK2-> CH2… TK8-> CH8. If base MIDI CH is 4, TK 1 -> CH4, TK2-> CH5… TK8-> CH12. If base MIDI CH is 6, TK 1 -> CH6, TK2-> CH7, TK8-> CH14 and so on.
SYNC: Surrenders sequencer to external clock
Pad 8. SHUFFLE: Sets swing before or after note
Pad 9. LOAD: Loads preset into RAM by turning encoder, or selecting preset
Pad 10. SAVE: Saves presets to 256 locations: 8 banks of 16 presets. Press the encoder to validate your choice
Pad 11. BANK: Selects 1 of 8
Pad 12. TRK (TRACK) PLAY: Selects which tracks are played together or not—sets the editing/performance mode for tracks: enable, mute, or edit
Pad 13. RND TRK (Random Track): Sub-function of NOTES mode. Randomizes entire sequence not just direction. Continued presses produce ever more chaotic results (while in NOTES mode)
Pad 14. CLEAR: Sub-function of NOTES mode. Clears the active preset’s tracks (while in NOTES mode)
Pad 15. TRACK (Groups of 1-128 steps): Selects track to be edited on outer circle—mute track on inner circle
Pad 16. TRANSP (Transpose): Each pressure pad changes key, or turning encoder in TRANSPOSE mode changes key
SHIFT: Press and hold for selecting feature set mode; pressed together with PLAY upon power recycle will wipe memory
Breakout box (BBox) allows for 4x multichannel/mult-CV use
Up to 2 breakout boxes can be connected to generate up to 8 CVs and 8 gate outputs
Per note/track pitch, velocity, and length, with 128 track memory locations
– 26hp
– CV IN – Control voltage input.
– CLOCK IN – Clock source can be a square wave or gate signal (positive logic).
– RESET IN – Positive voltage resets the Sequencer to the first step.
– CLOCK (out) – Outputs a pulse per step
– RESET (out) – Positive reset voltage output
– VEL (out) – Velocity (note/step level) output
– GATE (out) – 0/+5v trigger output.
– CV (out) – Control Voltage output.