The Fold Processor is a voltage-controlled wave multiplier and sub-octave generator. The circuit is based on a classic diode design that adds odd harmonics by folding the incoming signal, followed by subdivided square waves.The Fold Processor excels at taking simple sound sources and making them richer and more tonally excited. But it can also take drums or more complex sound sources and completely transform their character. While it is aggressive in nature it is possible to reach sweet spots that can really provide very nice sounds or you can quickly render sounds unrecognisable.
The wave folder creates new waveforms from standard sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square waves. Thanks to a CV input with an attenuator, it is pretty easy to create nice animated folding sounds. Adjustable voltage-controlled Inject alters the bias point creating which amounts to creating different flavours of harmonics.
The Fold control is key to the module and influences the character of what the other parameters offer.
At subtle settings, it is possible to reach vowel-like harmonics. With controlled, low-range CV manipulation, you can pass through a set of harmonics that works well for adding interesting harmonics to bass sounds. By applying extreme settings to the Fold knob you quickly enter a world of abrasive, buzzing textures.
The subdivide generator squares the fold output generating 4 more sounds spaced one octave apart, each with its own gain knob and mixed to the Subdivide output jack. Mixing the four can create anything from discordant square wave swarms to sweet harmonic oscillator stacks, from a stable square version of the folded wave to freaky PLL-like glitched slides.
Sonically rich, easy to use and the Fold Processor opens up a complex web of sound. In smaller systems, it makes a new palette of sounds available to you.