The Crazy encompasses the power of the Acid8 step sequencer by 8. Crazy8 features 1 Rotary Encoder, 22 Buttons and 86 subtle white LEDs with 2 levels of brightness to visualise 4 patterns at once.
4 Polyphonic MIDI tracks with chords: send on MIDI port 1
4 Analog CV/Gate tracks: also send MIDI on MIDI port 2
Sync in and out
MIDI Clock input and output, MIDI Slave and Master supported
MIDI pattern “Feeding” and transposing
Independent length per pattern: up to 16 steps per pattern. Chain up to 8 patterns for 128 step patterns
Independent playback per track: Forward, backwards, pendulum and random
Independent rates per track: /4, /3, /2, x1, x2, x3, x4, x8
8 Levels of Swing & 2 swing modes
Variable duty per pattern
Crazy effect per pattern: values 1-8 reduce probability of step, values 10 to 16 add musical improvisation based on the pattern’s content
Offset step playback per track
Transpose all tracks to any key with ease
SYSEX memory storing/recalling
MIDI real time pattern feeding
Sequence transpositions (key tracks)
No menus, no BS