Proton is Audio Damage’s take on the classic Karplus-Strong tuned delay line physical modelling synthesis. Take a capable “vintage digital” style delay line with 1V/Oct clocking, and add an enveloped noise burst, and you have a plucked string physical model. We wrap this up in some of our standard Audio Damage aural hijinks, and Proton is the result. Starting with the delay line, which is “tuned” via the coarse and fine tune knobs, we then add a quality low pass filter (modelled on the MS20’s LPF) and damping circuits. We hit this with a noise burst from an analog random number generator that passes through two more filters and an envelope with decay to produce the plucked sound. A “CHOKE” input empties the delay line, for extra dynamic control. Since Karplus-Strong synthesis lacks bottom in general, we have a “SUB” control that adds a sine at the fundamental frequency to produce gut-churning low end in the bass register. The result is a physical model synth that is capable of both delicate harp-like plucks and monster face-melting basslines.
– Width : 12HP
– Depth : 25mm
– Current consumption : +12V : 50mA ; -12V : 9mA