The Rom chip adds eight new wavetables and therefore lots of new sounds to the Black Wavetable VCO.
- Computer Organ 1
- Computer Organ 2
- Nasal Cyborg
- Sine Pairs
- Spiky FM
- Sliced Sine
- Stabbed Sine
- AM Sweep
The Rom chip adds eight new wavetables and therefore lots of new sounds to the Black Wavetable VCO.
Erica Fusion 6VAC PSU is designed to power up to 7 Erica Fusion modules.
The Memotron M2D is the youngest member of the Memotron-family. A robust metal-case harbours all the control-elements of the classic M400 control-panel. The sounds are directly pulled from the internal memory (encompassing ca. 360 memory-cells), without requiring a loading-process. Via SD-card new sounds can be imported and settings (Panaroma, Volume, Effects, as well as Attack- [...]