The Eloquencer is a powerful and versatile eurorack sequencer that can be used both as a performative and a compositive tool. It’s designed to be intuitive, easy to use, and quick to edit.
It has been built around the “controlled chance” concept. This means you can decide when and where there will be randomness and how much this randomness will affect your sequences.
It features 8 tracks of CVs and Gates in a 16 step disposition, but with the ability to define larger bar counts or chaining patterns to build multiple song parts of 256 steps each.
Parameters like CV, Gate, Gate Length and Ratcheting can be randomized in different ways to obtain permanently evolving patterns.
Many of the parameters can be linked to the CV inputs to give additional layers of variation.
An OLED screen provides contextual feedback for all the parameters, and it’s also used to navigate through the menus.
Inputs and Outputs:
– 8 V/oct CV Output
– 8 Trigger / Gate Output
– Reset Input
– External Clock Input (configurable. i.e: can be used as a clock divider / multiplier)
– Aux Output (configurable)
– Clock Output (configurable. i.e: can be used as a clock divider / multiplier)
– 2 CV Input (assignable to different parameters)
Main Features:
– Pattern length independent for each track and pattern
– Gate probability independent for each step
. Tie gates ( for gate durations longer than a step)
– CV, CV Variation Probability, and CV Variation Probability Range adjustable for each step or track.
– Gate Length, Gate Varition Probability, and Gate Variation Probability Range adjustable for each step or track.
– Ratcheting Type, Ratcheting Type probability, and Ratcheting Variation probability adjustable for each step or track.
– Tempo and shuffle adjust
– CV Outputs quantizable in tone / scale
– Different step modes ( forward, backward, ping pong, step repeat, track clock divider …) independent for each track and pattern.
– Fill in mode (pressing the track button will increase a desired amount of probability of any of the parameters).
– Quantized Live recording (Cvs and Gates)
– Song Mode with song parts (For arranging patterns)
– LFO Mode (not yet implemented)
. MOD Mode (not yet implemented)
– Mute Mode
– Possibility to unlink Gates and CVs
– Tracks can be de-attached from master track to allow polyrythms
– Integrated microSD card reader to save projects, do back ups of your projects, and have different cards with different sets.
– Open Source – the program can be modified using the Arduino IDE and a USB cable.
– Width : 38HP
– Depth : 35mm
– Current consumption : +12V : 170mA / -12V : 50mA